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Cyber Security Officer

Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Having a disaster recovery plan in place will make sure you are always prepared to quickly respond to a cyber attack.

Security Roadmap

Security Roadmap

Security Roadmap

A structured roadmap will tighten your security posture and show you the best way to protect your data and systems.

Cyber Training

Cyber Training

Cyber Training

Keep your company one step ahead of threat actors through awareness training from PSP's experts.

Response & Recovery

Response & Recovery

Response & Recovery

Most businesses lack the expertise or resources to deal with an attack. An easy-to-follow plan will ensure you can respond quickly when you are attacked.

Protocol Review

Protocol Review

Protocol Review

We will analyse your current culture around cyber security, looking at your security setup, and your staff’s knowledge and vigilance.

Vendor Review

Vendor Review

Vendor Review

A thorough assessment of your suppliers’ security practices and their commitments to keeping your business safe.

In a 2022 survey, the UK Government found that only a third of businesses conducted a cyber security risk assessment. Organisations lacking cyber threat knowledge often lack a dedicated IT or cyber security team.

Outsource a cyber security specialist for cost-effective protection against major threats, giving you flexible access to expertise without the full-time overhead. This agile role ensures cyber resilience, even if your existing IT team is confident, by reviewing and strengthening your defences.



We believe all IT systems and hardware should be inherently secured. That involves regular audits of your IT to ensure that all gateways into your systems are firmly shut.

A secure IT system is still prone to staff error. What's the point in having safe passwords if they're not kept safe themselves? Why would you build a firewall and leave an open door in its centre?

You may have already adopted good cyber security practices, however inefficient staff training to back that up makes your IT essentially a grand fortress that's guarded by sleeping guards. At PSP, we will review the security of your IT systems and the knowledge of your staff. As well as our technical expertise to enhance your security, we can also deliver effective cyber awareness training to your staff.

Ready to Start Outsourcing A Cyber Security Officer?

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